پاره‌سنگ: January 2008


پاره‌سنگ‌های گاه‌گاهی ذهن من


زیر هر توی آن سخن توییست

در خرابات عاشقان کوییست *** وندرو خانه‌ی پریروییست
طوق‌داران چشم آن ماهند *** هر کجا بسته طاق ابروییست
به نفس چون نسیم جان بخشد *** هر کرا از نسیم او بوییست
ورقی باز کردم از سخنش *** زیر هر توی آن سخن توییست
من ازو دور و او به من نزدیک *** پرده اندر میان من و اوییست
سوی او راهبر ندانم شد *** تا مرا رخ به سایه و موییست
اوحدی، با کسی مگوی دگر *** نام آن بت، که نازکش خوییست



fake emotions

"Many of us fake emotions because our past experiences never taught us how to use boundaries when dealing with feelings. Now we are oftentimes stumped when it comes to knowing how we should feel or act when we are faced with emotional situations. Sometimes we need to learn to "fake it till we make it." What is asked of us is to act the part until the part becomes us. We may not know how to feel anticipation around holidays - but we want to experience joy. We may not know what it feels like to really trust someone, but we would love to be in that position. What we can learn to do is, "act as if" - working all the time to liberate the frozen emotions of years gone by - until we actually do experience what we seek.

Like new shoes, my new behaviors and feelings will feel stiff and uncomfortable for a little while. I am willing to live through the "breaking in" period."

from the book: Days of Healing, Days of Joy
by Earnie Larsen and Carol Larsen Hegarty
